Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Terrific Transit at Narita

So here we are sitting in the Narita Red Carpet Club after getting off our incoming flight from SFO, taking a couple of escalators and walking through the security line in about 30 seconds, with smiling employees providing assistance and "thank-yous" along the way. We've also experienced a couple of hectic and crowded transits here over the past few years but this one was downright pleasant. We have 45 minutes before boarding even starts - we just about could have signed up to take showers in here. We're trying the sushi but best to avoid the famous Narita RCC beer machine, given our upcoming seven-hour flight.

Of course it helps to be among the first dozen or so passengers off the 777, and it also helps when there are no other planeloads of passengers to load up the lines. Ah, if travel were always so easy.

Come to think of it, what a shame to stop in here without one machine-poured beer for the road...


  1. Glad your trip is off to such a good start! Hope you have fun. And I hope you did sample some beer from the machine. :)

  2. Very good! The glasses are at the side of the bank of machines in a refrigerator so they're chilled in advance.


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