Monday, March 14, 2011

Buenos Aires: Bueno

We enjoyed one last view of the Falls from our room this morning before checking out. Actually, it was a view of a large cloud of mist and we realized how lucky we were that the the views during our stay were so clear.

We left the Sheraton about 8:15 a.m. and arrived at the Aeropuerto Puerto Iguazú (IGR) in plenty of time. Security was a breeze, and our one hour and forty minute flight to Buenos Aires on an Aerolíneas Argentinas 737 was pleasant.

We landed at a city airport, Jorge Newbery (AEP), rather than EZE, and a short cab ride later we were arriving at the Buenos Aires Hilton.

Our room wasn't ready and the front desk offered us a complimentary glass of wine at the lobby wine bar while we waited. Why not?

We're currently readying ourselves to board Insignia tomorrow afternoon. Kathy is ironing clothes and Brian is getting in touch with Alex, our wine merchant and fellow FlyerTalker.

Kathy's business is pressing, but Brian's business is too.

1 comment:

Dennis Warner said...

"Kathy's business is pressing, but Brian's business is too."

I'm impressed with both of you.