Monday, February 13, 2012

Goa: A Walk On Utorda Beach

Utorda Beach...

We watched the beach parasailing in operation, complete with an acrobatic "guide" who maneuvered the chute.

There are a number of beach shack restaurants along the beach and we'd been told Zeebop is one of the best.

You can't say the seafood isn't fresh, and Zeebop, although not cheap by Indian standards, lived up to its good reviews in Trip Advisor and Frommers. We did take a pass on the shark.

Lunch is delicious.

Now it's time to walk it off and to take a couple more photos.

One last little detail - during our stay we noticed quite a few signs in Russian. Apparently Goa is a popular and affordable vacation spot for members of the growing Russian middle class, as noted here. It looked lovely to us. Given the winter climate of Russia, it must be heaven on earth for them.

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