Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Bouncy Birthday Party

Two hours at the "Bouncy Place" in Sumner WA made for a great combined birthday party for Avery, Lily, and Peyton.

Riley is pleased with her ski-ball technique as Jake and Peyton look on.
Riley tries on the giant boxing gloves.
Lily relishes a pizza break.
The birthday cake...
Lily, Avery, and Peyton get ready to attack the candles.
Taegan and Avery enjoy some birthday cake.
Jake and Blane demonstrate their cake-eating techniques.
Peyton shows the power of concentration.
Back home in Issaquah the three birthday girls open presents.
Riley and her mommy share the fun.
Taegan takes a break from watching her younger cousins.
After playing outside and digging for bugs it's time for a quick bath for three little cousins before dinner.
Blane likes to "hide" as long as others hide too.
He can also show off a healthy appetite at the dinner table.
Lily demonstrates the modern way to eat a dinner roll.
When asked if she thought we'd make it to the birthday party, Lily replied, "I don't know if they'll make it for the party but I sure hope they're here in time for presents." We're glad we made it too, Lily. It was a great day for two grand parents before driving home to Birch Bay.

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