Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Another List: 'Things to Avoid on Your First Trip to Europe'

 9 Things to Avoid on Your First Trip to Europe

We're drawn to articles with lists such as this one out of fascination with the creativity of the writer.

Still, this list is better than many, and we agree with (and generally follow) most of the recommendations.

There are a few exceptions. We solve the problem of "lining up for hours" to visit the Eiffel Tower by buying tickets in advance that allow us largely to skip the line. That's the voice of experience after taking six grandchildren so far up there, with the seventh hopefully to follow in July.

In recent years we haven't had any downright ripoff attempts in Venice, with one possible exception (see here and here), but it's always good to keep a close eye on the menu and its prices.

Those quibbles aside, it's an article worth scanning.

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