Sunday, July 10, 2022

Paris Métro Pickpockets

On our Metro ride back from the Eiffel Tower, Brian lost around €300 to pickpockets as we all squeezed aboard a crowded car. We got the feeling the locals saw what happened but  didn’t want to get involved.

They were full of advice and sympathy before Brian ever knew he’d been victimized.

A young man returned Brian’s wallet to him from the Floor of the car.

Brian’s “main”’wallet was in a zippered back pocket, and this dummy wallet (albeit containing a bunch of cheap Euros) was in his front side pocket.

The scoundrels took neither a credit card, an ATK card, nor even his Métro pass, so it could have been worse.

Lesson hopefully learned. Beware getting in and off public transit whenever its crowded and people have an excuse to rub against you.

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