Sunday, July 14, 2024

How Does Our Garden Grow?

A stretch of sunny weather in Birch Bay WA has finally validated our decision to stay close to home this summer.

We’ve accomplished some fairly serious yard cleanup and gardening. Here’s the view from our front door this morning.

The boat trailer in the background is empty because we finally launched our old Bayliner, thanks to our boat mechanic and our next-door neighbors’ kind loan of their pickup truck (again!).

Our back yard features our raised mini-gardens. We’re looking forward hopefully to bumper crops of  tomatoes, garlic, apples, and Shishito peppers, having already enjoyed an abundance of asparagus and sugar snap peas, along with enough sour cherries for one delicious pie. We also harvest basil, oregano, and thyme. 

Our back yard, nestled along the shore of majestic Thunderbird Lake, described cruelly but more accurately as an artificial holding pond in our gated community, is our refuge and our delight at this time of year.

Sitting out in the twilight is one of life’s simple pleasures.

We plan some travel in August. For now, there’s no place better than home.